addButtonAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the add button. |
addButtonClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the add button. |
blockHeaderAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the block header (only used in block mode). |
blockHeaderClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the block header (only used in block mode). |
collapsible | boolean | If the repeater is collapsible. |
collapsibleButtonAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the collapsible button. |
collapsibleButtonClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the collapsible button. |
customAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the component. |
customClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the component. |
deleteButtonAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the delete button. |
deleteButtonClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the delete button. |
downButtonAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the down button. |
downButtonClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the down button. |
dragHandleAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the drag handle. |
dragHandleClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the drag handle. |
fillContent | boolean | If the content should fill the available space. |
i18n | object | Internationalization strings. |
id | string | The id for the repeater. Required. |
isDraggable | boolean | If the items are draggable. |
isSortable | boolean | If the items are sortable. |
itemAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the item. |
itemClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the item. |
itemDraggable | boolean | If the items are draggable. |
items | Array | The items to display, managed by external state. |
itemSpacing | string | number | Array | object | The spacing for the item, as a string, number, array, or object. |
maxItems | number | The maximum number of items allowed. |
minItems | number | The minimum number of items allowed. |
newItemState | object | The state for a new item. |
onChange | function | The function to call when the items change. |
renderItem | function | The function to render the item. |
screenReaderAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the screen reader text. |
screenReaderClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the screen reader text. |
showAdd | boolean | If the add button should be displayed. |
showArrows | boolean | If the arrows should be displayed. |
showDelete | boolean | If the delete button should be displayed. |
showDragHandle | boolean | If the drag handle should be displayed. |
spacing | string | number | Array | object | The spacing for the component, as a string, number, array, or object. |
type | string | The type of the repeater. |
upButtonAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the up button. |
upButtonClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the up button. |