alertButtonText | string | If in alert mode, the text for the ok button below content. |
alignment | string | Position of message in window. |
animateModal | boolean | When in modal or dialog mode, animate the dialog in with a fade in and up? |
animationDelay | number | The css animation delay for the reveal/hide effect. Synchronize with css if modifying the built-in 250 ms delay. |
buttonWidth | string | The button width, one of auto or full . |
cancelButtonHeight | string | The height for the cancel button. |
cancelButtonText | string | If in dialog mode, the white cancel buttons text is set here. |
cancelButtonType | string | The type of the cancel button. |
children | JSX.Element | React element children. |
closeButtonSize | string | The close button size. Default is xs . |
closeButtonTitle | string | The close button title for accessibility purposes. |
closeButtonType | string | The close button type. Default is round . Also supports noborder and unstyled . |
closeOnMaskClick | boolean | Whether to close if the background mask is clicked. |
confirmButtonAttributes | object | Arbitrary additional html attributes for the confirm button if in dialog mode. |
confirmButtonHeight | string | The height of the confirm button. |
confirmButtonIcon | string | If in dialog mode, the optional confirmation button icon before the button text. |
confirmButtonText | string | If in dialog mode, the confirmation button text. |
confirmButtonType | string | The type of the confirm button. |
content | string | Container content. Can only be strings. Use React children for html. |
customCloseButtonClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the close button as array. |
customMaskClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the mask as array. |
customWrapperClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the wrapper as array. |
description | string | Array | object | Optional text to show below title. |
id | string | The id for the dialog. If not passed auto generated using uniqueId from our utils with a prefix of dialog . |
isOpen | boolean | Prop to control whether the dialog is currently open. |
lockBody | boolean | Whether to lock the body behind the dialog to prevent interaction or scrolling. |
maskBlur | boolean | Whether to blur behind the mask for the dialog. |
maskTheme | string | Mask background color scheme: none , light or dark . |
maxHeight | string | Max height for the dialog. |
mode | string | Container mode: container , modal , alert or dialog . |
onClose | function | Function to execute when the dialog closes. |
onCloseAfterAnimation | function | Function to execute after the dialog close animation. |
onOpen | function | Function to execute when the dialog opens. |
onOpenAfterAnimation | function | Function to execute after the dialog open animation. |
padContent | boolean | Whether to pad the content on the right or not. |
position | string | Position for the mask: fixed , absolute . |
showCancelButton | boolean | Whether to show the cancel button or not. |
showCloseButton | boolean | Whether to show the close button top right or not. |
showConfirmButton | boolean | Whether to show the confirm button or not. |
simplebar | boolean | Whether or not to use SimpleBar on the content. |
theme | string | Theme for the dialog, one of gravity-blue or cosmos . |
title | string | Title for the dialog. Does not show in container mode. |
titleDivider | boolean | Whether to show a divider below the title or not. |
titleIndicatorType | string | Indicator type for the dialog title. |
titleSize | string | Size for the title, sm or md currently. |
titleTagName | string | Tagname for the title of the dialog. |
zIndex | number | The z-index for the dialog. |