afterGridHeading | JSX.Element | Element to render after the grid heading. |
columns | object | Array of column objects. Supply: component, key, props, sortable (optional), hideAt (optional). Key is used to match data keys for cells. |
columnRowAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the column row. |
columnRowClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the column row. |
columnStyleProps | object | Style props for the column. |
customAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the component |
customClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the component. |
data | object | The data for the component. |
dataPerPage | number | The number of data rows to show per page. |
dataRowAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the data row. |
dataRowClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the data row. |
dataRowMinHeight | string | The minimum height for the data row. |
EmptyImage | JSX.Element | The image to show when there is no data. |
emptyMessageAttributes | boolean | Custom attributes for the empty message. |
emptyMessageClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the empty message. |
equalGrid | boolean | Whether the grid should be equal. |
gridControlWrapperClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the grid control wrapper. |
gridLocked | boolean | Whether the grid should be locked. |
handleGridClicks | function | Passed handler for grid clicks if the field type supports it. |
highlightHover | boolean | Whether the grid should highlight a row on hover. |
highlightSelected | boolean | Whether the grid should highlight a selected row. |
i18n | object | Language strings for the component. PropertiesName | Type | Description |
emptyMessageI18n | string | The empty message for the data grid. | emptyTitleI18n | string | The empty title for the data grid. | gridHeadingI18n | string | The heading for the data grid. |
id | string | The ID for the component. |
isLoading | boolean | Whether the data grid is loading. |
maintainHeight | boolean | Whether the grid should maintain height at all times. |
modules | Array | The modules for the data grid. |
moduleAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the modules. |
moduleState | object | The state for the modules. |
setGridData | function | Passed handler for field changes if the field type supports it. |
setIsLoading | function | Handler to update the loading state. |
showColumns | boolean | Whether to show the column row(s). |
showColumnsInFooter | boolean | Whether the column row should be in the footer as well. |
sortable | boolean | Whether the grid should be sortable. |
spacing | string | number | Array | object | The spacing for the component, as a string, number, array, or object. |
titleAttributes | object | Custom attributes for the title. |
titleClasses | string | Array | object | Custom classes for the title. |
updateModuleState | function | Handler to update the module state. |
useAjax | boolean | Whether to use ajax for the data grid. |