Conditionally wrap a group of React elements with a passed wrapper if the condition is true.
Name | Type | Description |
condition | boolean | | The condition to compare against, bool, empty string etc. |
wrapper | function | The wrapper. |
children | JSX. | The children as jsx. |
- Since
- 1.0.1
- Type:
- *
import { ConditionalWrapper } from '@gravityforms/react-utils';
export default function Loader( {
background = '',
children = null,
customAttributes = {},
customClasses = [],
displayText = true,
foreground = '',
lineWeight = 5,
mask = false,
maskCustomAttributes = {},
maskCustomClasses = {},
maskTheme = 'light',
size = 40,
spacing = '',
speed = 2,
text = '',
textColor = '#000',
textCustomAttributes = {},
textCustomClasses = {},
type = 'ring',
} ) {
const maskProps = mask ? {
className: classnames( {
'gform-loader__mask': true,
[ `gform-loader__mask--theme-${ maskTheme }` ]: true,
}, maskCustomClasses ),
} : {};
const componentProps = {
className: classnames( {
'gform-loader': true,
[ `gform-loader--${ type }` ]: true,
...spacerClasses( spacing ),
}, customClasses ),
const textProps = text ? {
className: classnames( {
'gform-loader__text': displayText,
'gform-visually-hidden': ! displayText,
}, textCustomClasses ),
style: {
color: textColor,
} : {};
const getLoader = () => {
switch ( type ) {
case 'ring':
return (
background={ background }
componentProps={ componentProps }
foreground={ foreground }
lineWeight={ lineWeight }
size={ size }
speed={ speed }
return (
<span { ...componentProps } />
return (
condition={ mask }
wrapper={ ( ch ) => <div { ...maskProps }>{ ch }</div> }
condition={ ! mask && text && displayText }
wrapper={ ( ch ) => <span className="gform-loader__inner">{ ch }</span> }
{ getLoader() }
{ text && <span { ...textProps }>{ text }</span> }
{ children }