import { React } from '@gravityforms/libraries';
* @module SprintR
* @description Renders dynamic content by replacing placeholders in the given text with passed react components.
* Uses %1$s, %2$s, etc. as placeholders in the text and replaces them with the corresponding component from the tokens array.
* @since 3.1.1
* @param {object} props The options object.
* @param {string} props.text The text containing placeholders.
* @param {Array} props.tokens The array of tokens to be used for replacement.
* @return {React.ReactNode} - The JSX element with injected components.
* @example
* import Link from '@gravityforms/components/react/admin/elements/Link';
* import Text from '@gravityforms/components/react/admin/elements/Text';
* import { SprintR } from '@gravityforms/react-utils';
* <SprintR
* text="Hey there replace this: %1$s and this: %2$s and this with the first component again: %1$s"
* tokens={ [
* {
* component: Text,
* props: {
* content: "I replace both %1$s",
* customClasses: [ 'gform-example-text' ],
* size: 'text-xs',
* tagName: 'span',
* },
* },
* {
* component: Link,
* props: {
* content: "I replace %2$s",
* customClasses: [ 'gform-example-link' ],
* size: 'text-xs',
* tagName: 'span',
* },
* },
* ] }
* />
export default function SprintR( {
text = '',
tokens = [],
} ) {
const renderContent = () => {
const parts = text.split( /(%\d\$s)/ );
return ( part, index ) => {
const match = part.match( /%(\d)\$s/ );
if ( match ) {
const tokenIndex = parseInt( match[ 1 ], 10 ) - 1;
const token = tokens[ tokenIndex ];
if ( ! token ) {
return null;
const Component = token.component;
return <Component key={ index } { ...token.props } />;
return part;
} );
return <>{ renderContent() }</>;