
import convertElements from './convert-elements';

 * @module getNodes
 * @description A utility to get nodes and return an array/nodelist of them. Abstracts the need
 * to pass `[data-js="some-string"]` as simply `some-string`. Will also convert the nodelist to an
 * array if that arg is true, and has a parent to search from. A custom selector string can be used
 * if the 4th argument is true.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param {string}               selector The selector string to search for. If arg 4 is false (default)
 *                                        then we search for [data-js="selector"].
 * @param {boolean}              convert  Convert the NodeList to an array? Then we can Array.forEach
 *                                        directly. Uses convertElements from above.
 * @param {HTMLElement|Document} node     Parent node to search from. Defaults to document.
 * @param {boolean}              custom   Is this a custom selector where we don't want to use the
 *                                        data-js attribute?
 * @requires convertElements
 * @return {NodeList|Array} Returns either a NodeList or an Array of HTMLElements.
 * @example
 * import { getNodes } from "@gravityforms/utils";
 * function Example() {
 *   const nodes = getNodes( '.some-custom-selector', true, document.body, true );
 *   return nodes;
 * }
export default function getNodes(
	selector = '',
	convert = false,
	node = document,
	custom = false
) {
	const selectorString = custom ? selector : `[data-js="${ selector }"]`;
	let nodes = node.querySelectorAll( selectorString );
	if ( convert ) {
		nodes = convertElements( nodes );
	return nodes;