* @module queryToJson
* @description Uses JSON.parse() to transform a string in query format (i.e. query1=val&query2=val2 ) into an object.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param {string} params The query style string to be parsed. If ommitted, the query portion of the current URL is used.
* @return {object} Returns an object based on the specified params or the current URL's query portion.
* @example
* import { queryToJson } from "@gravityforms/utils";
* function Example() {
* const params = 'query1=val1&query2=val2';
* const obj = queryToJson( params );
* }
const queryToJson = ( params = '' ) => {
const query = params.length ? params : window.location.search.slice( 1 );
const pairs = query.length ? query.split( '&' ) : [];
const result = {};
let pairArray = [];
pairs.forEach( ( pair ) => {
pairArray = pair.split( '=' );
result[ pairArray[ 0 ] ] = decodeURIComponent( pairArray[ 1 ] || '' );
} );
return JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( result ) );
export default queryToJson;