const copyProperty = ( to, from, property, ignoreNonConfigurable ) => {
// `Function#length` should reflect the parameters of `to` not `from` since we keep its body.
// `Function#prototype` is non-writable and non-configurable so can never be modified.
if ( property === 'length' || property === 'prototype' ) {
// `Function#arguments` and `Function#caller` should not be copied. They were reported to be present in `Reflect.ownKeys` for some devices in React Native (#41), so we explicitly ignore them here.
if ( property === 'arguments' || property === 'caller' ) {
const toDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( to, property );
const fromDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( from, property );
if ( ! canCopyProperty( toDescriptor, fromDescriptor ) && ignoreNonConfigurable ) {
Object.defineProperty( to, property, fromDescriptor );
// `Object.defineProperty()` throws if the property exists, is not configurable and either:
// - one its descriptors is changed
// - it is non-writable and its value is changed
const canCopyProperty = function( toDescriptor, fromDescriptor ) {
return toDescriptor === undefined || toDescriptor.configurable || (
toDescriptor.writable === fromDescriptor.writable &&
toDescriptor.enumerable === fromDescriptor.enumerable &&
toDescriptor.configurable === fromDescriptor.configurable &&
( toDescriptor.writable || toDescriptor.value === fromDescriptor.value )
const changePrototype = ( to, from ) => {
const fromPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf( from );
if ( fromPrototype === Object.getPrototypeOf( to ) ) {
Object.setPrototypeOf( to, fromPrototype );
const wrappedToString = ( withName, fromBody ) => `/* Wrapped ${ withName }*/\n${ fromBody }`;
const toStringDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( Function.prototype, 'toString' );
const toStringName = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( Function.prototype.toString, 'name' );
// We call `from.toString()` early (not lazily) to ensure `from` can be garbage collected.
// We use `bind()` instead of a closure for the same reason.
// Calling `from.toString()` early also allows caching it in case `to.toString()` is called several times.
const changeToString = ( to, from, name ) => {
const withName = name === '' ? '' : `with ${ name.trim() }() `;
const newToString = wrappedToString.bind( null, withName, from.toString() );
// Ensure `to.toString.toString` is non-enumerable and has the same `same`
Object.defineProperty( newToString, 'name', toStringName );
Object.defineProperty( to, 'toString', { ...toStringDescriptor, value: newToString } );
* @module mimicFunction
* @description Modifies the `to` function to mimic the `from` function and returns the `to` function.
* Prototype, class, and inherited properties are copied to the `to` function. `to.toString()` will return
* the same as `from.toString()` but prepended with a `with to()` comment.
* @param {Function} to The function to be modified.
* @param {Function} from The function to be mimicked.
* @param {boolean} options.ignoreNonConfigurable Whether to Skip modifying non-configurable properties instead of throwing an error.
* @return {Function} The `to` function with the properties from the `from` function.
export default function mimicFunction( to, from, { ignoreNonConfigurable = false } = {} ) {
const { name } = to;
for ( const property of Reflect.ownKeys( from ) ) {
copyProperty( to, from, property, ignoreNonConfigurable );
changePrototype( to, from );
changeToString( to, from, name );
return to;